
Know Thy Target Audience

I have been on a quest to find the perfect iPad case/protection system. This has been no easy task, given the wide array of products out there; from very conservative looking leather folios to funky slip sleeves and everything in between. Alas, this is not a post about the destination, but that of discovery.

Out with Xen, in with VMware

After having such disappointing performance on our trustworthy PowerEdge 2850 running Xen on top of CentOS 5.5, I decided to see if things looked better on the other side of the VM fence with VMware's ESXi server. I have to say things are running much better.

Portable Computing in 2011

As many of my clients and associates are well aware, I have been a cell phone user for almost 20 years. The first phone being a Motorola Ultra Classic. After striking out on my own over seven years ago, I embraced smart phones. It was, given the nature of my business model, that I needed access to email at the same level that I had while sitting at my desk.

CMS Marketshare

I've been a user of the web for business for over 20 years and working on web projects for somewhere around 15 and it still amazes me how you're looking for one piece of information and you stumble on something else to satisfy a question that may have been asked in passing.

Our New Web Site

Zahler IT has launched their new web site. After being in business for over 7 years, helping clients relize their dreams, we have taken down our placeholder page and replaced it with a fully featured web presence. We will no longer be the shoeless children of the cobbler.

We are eating our own dogfood with this site and have implemented it in Drupal 6.x with an assortment of modules as well as a custom built theme. The theme was built ussing the latest in web standards and validates as XHTML 1.1.